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Kiki Consegne a Domicilio (Kiki s Delivery Service)[DVDRip Xvid ITA ENG JAP mp3 Sub ITA ENG ESP PRT]

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Name:Kiki Consegne a Domicilio (Kiki s Delivery Service)[DVDRip Xvid ITA ENG JAP mp3 Sub ITA ENG ESP PRT] torrent

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Torrent added: 2009-08-24 06:51:15

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Kiki Consegne a Domicilio (Kiki s Delivery Service)[DVDRip Xvid ITA ENG JAP mp3 Sub ITA ENG ESP PRT] (Size: 1.33 GB) (Files: 3)

 K1K1 C0N53GN3 4 D0M1C1L10 [DVDRip Xvid - ITA ENG JAP mp3] [Skart].avi

1.31 GB

 K1K1 C0N53GN3 4 D0M1C1L10 [DVDRip Xvid - ITA ENG JAP mp3] [Skart] [sub ITA ENG ESP PRT].sub

18.79 MB

 K1K1 C0N53GN3 4 D0M1C1L10 [DVDRip Xvid - ITA ENG JAP mp3] [Skart] [sub ITA ENG ESP PRT].idx

203.15 KB

Torrent description

Dk.Skart's Release.... only good torrent!

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Kiki Consegne a Domicilio (Kiki s Delivery Service)[DVDRip Xvid-ITA ENG JAP mp3-Sub ITA ENG ESP PRT][Skart][tntvillage]


Original Title: ?????? - Majo no Takky?bin
Italian Title: Kiki - Consegne a domicilio
English Title: Kiki's delivery Service
Nation: Japan
Year: 1989
Release DVD: 2002
Genre: Animation
Direction: Hayao Miyazaki
Subject: Eiko Kadono (romanzo)
Productor: Hayao Miyazaki
House Of Production: Studi0 Gh1bli
Art Director: Hiroshi ?no
Character Design: Katsuya Kond?
Fotography: Shigeo Sugimura
Assembling: Takeshi Seyama
Special Effect: Kaoru Tanifuji
Music: Joe Hisaishi
Scenography: Hinoshi Ono


* 1990 - Popularity Award agli Awards of the Japanese Academy come "Film Più Popolare"
* 1990 - Special Award agli Awards of the Japanese Academy
* 1990 - Readers' Choice Award ai Kinema Junpo Awards come "Regista del Miglior Film Giapponese" ad Hayao Miyazaki
* 1990 - Mainichi Film Concours come "Migliore Film d'Animazione" ad Hayao Miyazaki

LANGUAGES: Italiano, English, Japanese (MP3 128)
SUBTITLES: Italiano, English, Spanish, Portoguese (idx+sub).

Source: DVD --> DVDRip
Dimension: 1340.975 MB
Lenght: 01:38:47

TRAMA (Italiano)

Kiki è una giovane strega che, compiuti i 13 anni, come da tradizione di famiglia,
parte a cavallo della sua scopa per un anno di pratica nelle arti magiche fuori città.
Dopo aver superato la tempesta ed aver incontrato un'altra giovane strega,
insieme al suo simpatico gatto nero Jiji, Kiki si ferma in un caratteristico villaggio di mare,
meta prefissata nell'immaginario della giovane fin dalla partenza.
Qui vi arriva grazie ad un treno in cui si era fermata a dormire.
Appena arriva in città causa del trambusto in strada per via della sua inesperienza
col volo e viene aiutata fuggire da Tombo, un ragazzino con la passione del volo che
sembra particolarmente interessato a Kiki. Ma la piccola, ancora scossa dall'accoglienza
piuttosto fredda e deludente del luogo, non gli restituisce la parola e vola via.
Kiki si rende conto che forse ha troppo idealizzato l'avventura e che probabilmente la città
non è quella giusta in cui fermarsi quando, ad un certo punto, vede una signora che deve
consegnare un ciuccio alla madre di un bambino, ormai troppo lontana per sentirla.
La giovane allora chiede alla signora di darle il ciuccio e fa la consegna per lei. A questo punto
la gentile Osono le offre una stanza in cui rimanere e un lavoro presso la sua panetteria.
Kiki accetta a patto di condividere con la signora Osono il telefono per continuare anche a
are le consegne.
In questo modo la giovane trova un posto tutto suo nella città e impara a distinguere le persone buone
(come la vecchia signora per cui svolge le consegne) da quelle meno buone (la nipote della signora).
E proprio il giorno in cui Tombo finalmente la convince ad uscire con lui per vedere un dirigibile,
Kiki si sente costretta a lasciarlo durante l'appuntamento proprio per via delle amicizie del ragazzo,
che non vede di buon occhio.
Tornata a casa, la ragazzina si accorge di non possedere più i poteri di strega, non riuscendo più a
volare e parlare con Jiji, il suo gatto. Dopo un periodo di riposo, presso la baita di una amica disegnatrice,
ritorna in città, ma sembra che nulla sia cambiato.
Successivamente alla televisione passano un servizio in diretta in cui viene mostrato che il dirigibile su cui
era salito Tombo è stato spazzato via dai forti venti e viaggia per la città senza controllo. E attaccato ad una fune,
in pericolo di vita, vi è proprio il ragazzino. Kiki si convince allora che deve almeno tentare di salvarlo.
Afferra quindi uno spazzolone e finalmente si libra nell'aria salvando il suo amico. (WIKIPEDIA)


Kiki is a 13-year-old witch-in-training, living in a small rural village where her mother is the resident herbalist. The film opens at the time traditional for Kiki to leave her home to spend a year alone in a new town to establish herself as a full witch. Kiki therefore flies off on her mother's broom with her closest companion, Jiji, a loquacious black cat. At her departure from home, she has trouble controlling her newly inherited broom, and ricochets off of the trees in her front yard. Wind chimes in the trees chime; one of the neighbors wistfully comments that he will miss the sound of the bells, implying that such incidents have been common.
Soon after leaving, Kiki asks Jiji to turn on the radio. He flips to a lively pop song and the beginning credits roll. After the credits and song finish, Kiki and Jiji meet another witch on her way back home from training. After giving some advice about inner skills, this newcomer flies down yelling, "Ciao!" Seconds after she leaves, Kiki and Jiji are caught in a thunderstorm, from which they take overnight refuge in a train. On the next morning, Kiki and Jiji wake up to discover that they have fallen asleep in the feed bag of a herd of cows. They leave the train and continue their search for a place to live.
Kiki and Jiji (sitting on Kiki's back) flying by the clock tower in Koriko just after arriving. It has been noted that the "vibrant" Stockholm-inspired city gives a sense of safety as well as independence.
Kiki settles in the beautiful seaside city of Koriko, and, after initially finding it difficult to adjust to the city's pace of life, starts a delivery service that takes advantage of her ability to fly. Kiki experiences several setbacks, such as slow business, misplaced merchandise, rude customers, and illness. She also must contend with her loneliness, worries, and homesickness.
Having caught the eye of Tombo, a local boy about her age who has an interest in aviation and in Kiki herself, she at first rebuffs then befriends him. Jiji simultaneously courts a local cat named Lily, who had earlier snubbed him.
Because of her insecurity, Kiki's powers diminish and ultimately disappear, to her great shame and terror. Kiki learns about overcoming such obstacles with the help of a newfound friend, a young artist named Ursula, who gives Kiki advice regarding inspiration that she needs in order to regain her magical abilities.
In a moment of deadly crisis, Tombo is accidentally lifted into the air in a dirigible accident. When she is his only hope of rescue, Kiki finds the inspiration to regain her flying ability. Improvising with a street-sweeper's push broom, Kiki manages to rescue Tombo with considerable difficulty. At that adventure's conclusion, Jiji joins her again, but still cannot speak and Kiki gracefully accepts that as a price of growing up. Suddenly famous, she sends home a simple, modest letter to her parents, saying that she is becoming used to her new home and that things are working out well for her.
The story continues through the end titles, as she flies a high-guard formation with Tombo as he flies his human-powered aircraft in a flight sequence obviously inspired by the Gossamer Albatross. Later, she is on the street of her town and notices a little girl walking past, because the little girl has her hair and clothing styled like Kiki's and is even carrying a small deck broom like the one Kiki flew to save Tombo - an indication of her having become a local celebrity. Jiji and Lily are also shown, with several kittens in tow. (WIKIPEDIA)














[ Info sul file ]

Nome: K1K1 C0N53GN3 4 D0M1C1L10 [DVDRip Xvid - ITA ENG JAP mp3] [Skart].avi
Data: 8/01/2009 23:48:27
Dimensione: 1,406,113,792 bytes (1340.975 MB)

[ Info generiche ]

Durata: 01:38:47 (5926.88 s)
Tipo di contenitore: AVI OpenDML
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Tipo stream n. 0: video
Tipo stream n. 1: audio
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IART: Dk.Skart
JUNK: VirtualDubMod build 2540/release

[ Dati rilevanti ]

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[ Traccia video ]

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[ Traccia audio n. 1 ]

Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
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Canali (contenitore): 2
Frequenza (contenitore): 48000 Hz
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MPEG frames: 246947
Durata: 01:38:47 (5926.728 s)
Chunk-aligned: Sì
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Mode: joint stereo
Ritardo: 0 ms

[ Traccia audio n. 2 ]

Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
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Chunk-aligned: Sì
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Ritardo: 0 ms

[ Traccia audio n. 3 ]

Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
Bitrate (contenitore): 128 kbps CBR
Canali (contenitore): 2
Frequenza (contenitore): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 148158
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Ritardo: 0 ms

[ Info sulla codifica MPEG4 ]

User data: XviD0046
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[ Analisi DRF ]

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DRF<2: 0 ( 0.000 %)
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DRF=3: 36209 ( 24.439 %) ######
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DRF=5: 21588 ( 14.571 %) ####
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I-VOPs deviazione std.: 0.535874
I-VOPs DRF max: 5

P-VOPs DRF medio: 3.881633
P-VOPs deviazione std.: 0.639978
P-VOPs DRF max: 6

[ Profile compliancy ]

Profilo da testare: MTK PAL 6000
Risoluzione: Ok
Framerate: Ok
Min buffer fill: 48%


To the end, rest in seed.... please.
Good download.

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